As a developer, I have contributed to numerous projects, both professional and personal, across various domains. My experience spans the full stack (with a slight preference for back-end), from front-end and back-end development to database management. I’ve also set up build and deployment processes and designed systems from the ground up.
Beyond development, my skillset includes collecting user requirements, writing user documentation, and occasionally handling project management tasks to ensure projects move forward when needed.
.NET Framework 4.0, Azure Cloud, Azure DevOps, C#, IIS, Javascript, Jira, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft SQL, ReactJs, ReduxUpgrade, Refactoring and development of an Inventory System and various tools for the development process.
Fullstack Boilerplate
Ansible, CI/CD, DevOps, DjangoRestFramework, Docker, Github Action, nginx, PostgreSQL, pytest, Python, ReactJs, Redux, Swagger, System AdminFullstack boilerplate to standardize NovAliX Developments
Auto-Network PoC
Proof of Concept of an autonomous network configuration software to help create the future “Smart Factories”
Online Mixed Reality Mystery Game
Anybody can create a private saloon to play a “mystery game” scenario with its friends in any physical space using players smartphones.